发布日期:2025-01-04 15:18 点击次数:67
一路之隔,劲省百万!近前滩顶流板块,再现品质住区!上海浦东 永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!德国人文地理学家拉采尔曾说:“交通是城市形成的力”。一条条连接不同区域的交通路网,就好像是人体的血管,将资源输送到各个地方。纵观全球,一座城市若有醇熟先进的交通,那这座城市的发展方向与格局将大有不同。图源网络上海作为全中国交通最便达的城市之一,发展建设以来寸土寸金,向来是各大房企的必争之地。许多房企入驻上海第一站,首先抢占的便是地铁轨交腹地。原因无他,在上海,“地铁盘”这三个字,自带“流量密码”,地铁线的便捷属性甚至可以直接带飞一个区域的房价。图源网络但地铁的建造劳时费力,一条地铁线从修建到竣工起码要花5年时间。自然界形容每种物品稀有,有个名词叫“不可再生资源”。「永泰三里城」销售中心:400-886-2334售楼处直销—匠心钜制恭迎品鉴!地铁工程量大、投资额高、不确定因素多、涉及复杂系统工程种种因素,再加之上海的城市建面基本齐全完善,开设新的地铁站点更是难上加难。从某种意义上来说,地铁盘在上海楼市也是买一盘少一盘的“不可再生资源”。地铁盘稀缺的情况下,「永泰三里城」的横空出世就显得更加难能可贵!毗邻金色中环 站位黑马板块11号线三林站500米近前滩板块价格洼地「永泰三里城」将推出建面约99-240㎡3-5房均价预计8w/㎡!预计11月底、12月初开放样板间!有望年内入市!「永泰三里城」销售中心:400-886-2334售楼处直销—匠心钜制恭迎品鉴!01刚需必争之地金色中环辐射区最强黑马「永泰三里城」位于浦东三林板块,位置得天独厚,与前滩在地理区划上仅一条中环路之隔。众所周知,前滩买房向来非常之”卷“!盘点前滩近五年新房触发积分或者认购情况,大致可以总结成四个词:托关系、高积分、认购率惊人、房价天花板。当然,让前滩长盛不衰的,还有它惊人的涨幅。11月9日,前滩·世纪天汇认购结束,宣告了前滩新房时代的落幕,前滩从此再无一手房。被前滩吸引,意向前滩得客群只能只能放眼前滩周边其他板块。「永泰三里城」销售中心:400-886-2334售楼处直销—匠心钜制恭迎品鉴!这种形势下,毗邻前滩的三林,闪亮登场。作为浦东为数不多的没什么重点产业加持的纯住宅板块,三林主打一个左右逢源。多维路网,多轨交汇,紧密连接浦江两岸,板块10公里范围内覆盖上海大部分核心商圈及产业园区,能同时吸引浦东和浦西两端的置业客群。图源网络永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-233411号线、中环路和外环高架直通浦西,利好徐汇、闵行的上班族;8号线、南北高架和打浦路隧道快速通达黄浦静安老市心;6号线又与浦东世纪大道连接,还能吸收到陆家嘴上班的金融白领;19号线和26号线目前规划中,未来这里的交通路网将在完善的基础上更上一层楼。永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334除了交通路网四通八达,三林产业规划更是宏大。据上海“十四五”规划,浦东正在全力打造金色中环发展带,三林板块的前滩中央活动区、筠溪小镇、新杨思地块均是金色中环发展带的一部分。(金色中环发展带:浦东新区“十四五”时期生产力布局的重要 发展带之一,沿中环线推动重点板块联动发展。沿线串联前滩中央活动区、张江城市副中心、金桥城市副中心,张江集电港、御桥区域、 新杨思区域、三林环外区域和沪东区域等潜力地区,同时还包括多个 特色产业园区和3片楔形绿地。)三林借助金色中环发展带建设和城市化快速转型,众多新产业的集聚三林,三林已然成为各界投资置业的一方热土,板块发展前景不容小觑!永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-233402上海新房中的“六边形战士”「永泰三里城」是三林镇原金光村旧改地块,据销售透露,本期上市新房均价约为8w/㎡。图源网络要知道,前滩的最新价格已经来到13.2w/㎡,和本项目相比,这中间每平米差价足足5.2万,换算到一套一百平的房子上,差价就是520万。真的可以说是一路之隔,劲省百万!由于规划起步晚,「永泰三里城」周边几乎都是次新电梯房,二手房挂牌均价9万/㎡左右,不少户型较好的楼盘甚至能跑上10w+。随着前滩新房谢幕,三林的东风已来,板块价值日益水涨船高,「永泰三里城」约8w/㎡的单价,或许错过不再有?我们实地探访「永泰三里城」,从地段、价格、配套等方面综合考量过本项目,得出的结论是——这是一个彻头彻尾的“六边形战士”!!永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334轨交方面:项目距地铁11号线三林站直线距离约500米,临近中环路和外环高速,交通势能十分之高,几乎可以畅达整个上海市各个交通节点。图源网络图源网络商业方面:永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334中房金谊广场与本项目仅一路之隔,周边还有新达汇商业综合体,西侧毗邻前滩、三林滨江区域,可共享这2个重磅规划板块的高能级配套,完全可满足日常生活所需。图源网络教育方面:项目周边有三林小学、清源小学、上海育人中学、三林中学东校等。(教育免责:政府不对预售房屋进行学区划分,项目对口学校最终以交房后教育主管部门公布为准)最后,永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334从城市建面和整体环境来看「永泰三里城」也十分能打,两面环水,周边建面整洁,生态环境极佳,水系如同一条“玉腰带”一般环绕社区,将城市的噪音,废气干扰隔绝在外。实拍图03国企背书,交付值得信赖这两年,房企频繁暴雷,房企实力和交付能力,在当下的新房市场尤为重要!永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334背靠上海香印城市建设投资发展有限公司。据了解,上海香印城市建设投资发展有限公司股权由上海浦东新区房地产交易市场有限公司和上海三林集镇开发建设有限公司组成,其中前者拥有90%的持股比。上海市浦东新区房地产交易市场有限公司成立于1993年8月,在上海深耕二十年,在市、区两级政府和各职能局的大力支持下,企业以立足浦东、面向浦西、辐射全国与国际房地产市场接轨的目标,进行了多元化的改造,走出了一条以房为主、交易配套、多元发展的综合发展之路。永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334上海三林集镇开发建设有限公司作为三林本地企业,参加过许多三林本地项目开发,更熟悉三林整体格局,针对永泰三里城的开发更加得心应手。上海三林集镇开发建设有限公司实拍图我们实地探访「永泰三里城」,在售楼处和销售短暂聊过天。这个项目给人的整体感觉很简单,两个字:佛系。不仅仅是不着急卖房的佛系,更有一种与市场大环境背道而驰的对楼盘精心雕琢的佛系。这几年上海新房市场用一个词来形容就是:浮躁。推盘节奏实在是太快了。不出意外,今年上海应该会有13个批次的新房入市,楼盘不少,但从市场反馈和认购情况来看,比较疲软。不管是配套、价格、设计理念还是居住适宜度来看,给人的整体感觉都是:“供应数量上去了,但质量下来了”。但好像也不是不能理解这种浮躁,毕竟“高周转”市场,开发速度跟不上,就等于是房企的慢性自杀。像「永泰三里城」这样“慢工出细活”,是独属于国企的底气。实拍图项目目前推出了建面约99-240㎡3-5房,户型阔绰,设计灵动,可供刚需、改善各个群体选择。1、99㎡三房两厅两卫:南北通透,空间感超强!这是最打动我的一个户型,它真正做到了从刚需用户的角度考量,不浪费任何一点空间。房间三开间朝南,采光视野极佳,主卧套房设计兼具私密性和舒适性,得房率高达80%,尺度感远超同价位新房!2、建面约150㎡四房两厅两卫:动静分离,归家即享静谧生活!这个户型和99㎡的户型类似,不过相较99㎡,空间更阔绰。3、建面约220㎡洋房:四开间朝南,无敌视野!建面约220㎡洋房户型设计,也是相当可圈可点。在新房市场100平方左右的刚需户型当道的时代,大改善户型愈加珍稀。四房的功能性匹配越来越多的二胎和三代同堂家庭。本户型四开间朝南,在小户型的基础上全面升级,视野更辽阔,居住体验更卓绝!居住品质下沉的当下,这样的房子买一套少一套,这个置业机遇,错过不再有!毗邻金色中环 站位黑马板块11号线三林站500米近前滩板块价格洼地「永泰三里城」将推出建面约99-240㎡3-5房均价预计8w/㎡!预计11月底、12月初开放样板间!有望年内入市!一路之隔,劲省百万!近前滩顶流板块,再现品质住区!上海浦东 永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。永泰三里城售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Across the road, save a million! Near the top flow plate of Qiantan, reproducing the high-quality residential area!Shanghai Pudong Yongtai Sanli CitySales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratios, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plans, transportation planning, filing prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest developments, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!German geographer Lazier once said, "Transportation is the driving force behind urban formation.".The transportation networks connecting different regions are like the blood vessels of the human body, transporting resources to various places.Looking at the world, if a city has mature and advanced transportation, its development direction and pattern will be greatly different.Image source networkAs one of the most easily accessible cities in China, Shanghai has always been a battleground for major real estate companies due to its development and construction, where every inch of land is worth every penny.Many real estate companies enter the first station in Shanghai, first seizing the hinterland of subway rail transit.There is no other reason. In Shanghai, the three words "subway plate" come with a "traffic password", and the convenient nature of the subway line can even directly drive up the housing prices in a region.Image source networkBut the construction of the subway is time-consuming and laborious, and it takes at least 5 years for a subway line to be built and completed.Nature describes every item as rare, and there is a term called "non renewable resources"."Yongtai Sanli City"Sales Center: 400-886-2334Sales Office Direct Sales - Exquisite Craftsmanship Welcome to Taste!The subway project has a large quantity, high investment, multiple uncertain factors, and involves various complex system engineering factors. In addition, Shanghai's urban construction is basically complete and complete, making it even more difficult to open new subway stations. In a sense, the subway system in the Shanghai real estate market is also a "non renewable resource" of buying one less.In the case of scarce subway stations, the emergence of "Yongtai Sanli City" becomes even more precious!Adjacent to the Black Horse Plate of the Golden Central Station500 meters from Sanlin Station on Line 11Price depression in the near front beach area"Yongtai Sanli City"We will launch 3-5 rooms with a building area of approximately 99-240 square metersExpected average price of 8w/㎡!Expected to open model rooms by the end of November and early December!Expected to enter the market within this year!"Yongtai Sanli City"Sales Center: 400-886-2334Sales Office Direct Sales - Exquisite Craftsmanship Welcome to Taste!01A place where essential needs must be contestedThe strongest dark horse in the golden central radiation zoneYongtai Sanli City is located in the Sanlin area of Pudong, with a unique location that is only separated from Qiantan by a central ring road in terms of geographical division.As is well known, buying a house in Qiantan has always been very popular!The inventory of new house triggering points or subscriptions in Qiantan in the past five years can be roughly summarized into four words:Trust relationships, high points, amazing subscription rates, and ceiling housing prices.Of course, what keeps the front beach thriving is its astonishing growth rate.On November 9th, the subscription for Qiantan Century Tianhui came to an end, marking the end of the era of new houses in Qiantan. Since then, there have been no more second-hand houses in Qiantan.Attracted by the front beach, the customer group interested in the front beach can only focus on other areas around the front beach."Yongtai Sanli City"Sales Center: 400-886-2334Sales Office Direct Sales - Exquisite Craftsmanship Welcome to Taste!In this situation, Sanlin, adjacent to the front beach, made a brilliant debut.As one of the few pure residential sectors in Pudong with little support from key industries, Sanlin focuses on finding both sides.A multi-dimensional road network, intersecting multiple tracks, closely connecting both sides of the Pujiang River, covering most of Shanghai's core commercial districts and industrial parks within a 10 kilometer range, can attract both Pudong and Puxi real estate customer groups at the same time.Tuyuan Network Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334Line 11, the Central Ring Road, and the Outer Ring Elevated Road lead directly to Puxi, benefiting the office workers in Xuhui and Minhang; Line 8, the North South Elevations, and the Dapu Road Tunnel quickly reach the heart of Jing'an Old City in Huangpu; Line 6 is connected to Pudong Century Avenue and can also attract financial white-collar workers working in Lujiazui; The planning for Line 19 and Line 26 is currently underway, and the transportation network here will be further improved in the future.Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334In addition to a well-developed transportation network, the planning of the three forests industry is also grand.According to Shanghai's 14th Five Year Plan, Pudong is making every effort to build a golden central development belt, with the central activity area of the front beach in the Sanlin area, Yunxi Town, and Xinyangsi plot all part of the golden central development belt.(Golden Central Development Belt: One of the important development belts in the productivity layout of Pudong New Area during the 14th Five Year Plan period, promoting the coordinated development of key sectors along the Central Ring Road. Along the line, it connects the central activity area of Qiantan, the sub center of Zhangjiang City, the sub center of Jinqiao City, the potential areas of Zhangjiang Electric Port, Yuqiao Area, Xinyangsi Area, Sanlin Outer Ring Area, and Shanghai East Area, as well as multiple characteristic industrial parks and three wedge-shaped green spaces.)With the help of the construction of the Golden Central Development Belt and rapid urbanization transformation, Sanlin has gathered numerous new industries. Sanlin has become a hot spot for investment and real estate from all walks of life, and the development prospects of the sector cannot be underestimated!Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-233402"Hexagonal Warriors" in Shanghai's New Houses"Yongtai Sanli City" is a former land parcel in Jinguang Village, Sanlin Town. According to sales reports, the average price of newly listed houses in this period is about 80000 yuan per square meter.Image source networkYou should know that the latest price for Qiantan has reached 13.2 million yuan per square meter. Compared to this project, the price difference per square meter is a whopping 52000 yuan. When converted to a 100 square meter house, the price difference is 5.2 million yuan.It can really be said that it's a long way to go, saving millions of effort!Due to the late start of planning, almost all of the surrounding areas of "Yongtai Sanli City" are second-hand elevator houses, with an average listing price of around 90000 yuan per square meter for second-hand houses. Many properties with better layouts can even run for over 100000 yuan.With the closure of the new house in the front beach and the arrival of the east wind in Sanlin, the value of the area is increasing day by day. The unit price of "Yongtai Sanli City", which is about 80000 yuan per square meter, may not be missed anymore?We conducted an on-site visit to "Yongtai Sanli City" and comprehensively considered the location, price, and supporting facilities of this project. The conclusion drawn is:——This is a complete "hexagonal warrior"!!Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334In terms of rail transit: The project is approximately 500 meters away from Sanlin Station on Line 11 of the subway, and is close to the Central Ring Road and Outer Ring Expressway. The transportation potential is very high, and it can almost reach various transportation nodes throughout Shanghai.Image source networkImage source networkCommercial aspect: Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334 Zhongfang Jinyi Square is only one road away from this project, and there is also Xindahui Commercial Complex in the surrounding area. The west side is adjacent to the Qiantan and Sanlin Riverside areas, and you can share the high-energy supporting facilities of these two heavyweight planning blocks, which can fully meet the needs of daily life.Image source networkIn terms of education, the project is surrounded by Sanlin Primary School, Qingyuan Primary School, Shanghai Yuren Middle School, and Sanlin Middle School East Campus. (Education exemption: The government does not divide pre-sale housing into school districts, and the schools targeted by the project will ultimately be announced by the education regulatory department after the housing is delivered.)Finally, Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334 From the perspective of urban construction and overall environment, "Yongtai Sanli City" is also very livable, surrounded by water on both sides, with a clean surrounding area and excellent ecological environment. The water system surrounds the community like a "jade belt", isolating the city's noise and exhaust interference from the outside.Real shot image03State owned enterprise endorsement, reliable deliveryIn the past two years, real estate companies have frequently experienced thunderstorms, and their strength and delivery ability are particularly important in the current new housing market!Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334 Backed by Shanghai Xiangyin Urban Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd. It is understood that the equity of Shanghai Xiangyin Urban Construction Investment and Development Co., Ltd. is composed of Shanghai Pudong New Area Real Estate Trading Market Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Sanlinji Town Development and Construction Co., Ltd., with the former holding a 90% stake.Established in August 1993, Shanghai Pudong New Area Real Estate Trading Market Co., Ltd. has been deeply rooted in Shanghai for 20 years. With the strong support of the municipal and district governments and various functional bureaus, the company has carried out diversified transformation with the goal of being based in Pudong, facing Puxi, and radiating to the national and international real estate market. It has embarked on a comprehensive development path that focuses on housing, transaction facilities, and diversified development.Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334Shanghai Sanlin Town Development and Construction Co., Ltd., as a local enterprise in Sanlin, has participated in many local project developments and is more familiar with the overall layout of Sanlin. It is more adept at developing Yongtai Sanli City.Real photos taken by Shanghai Sanlinji Town Development and Construction Co., LtdWe visited "Yongtai Sanli City" on site and had a brief conversation with the sales office.The overall feeling of this project is very simple, with two words: Buddhism.Not only the Buddhist style that doesn't rush to sell houses, but also a carefully crafted Buddhist style that goes against the market environment for real estate.In recent years, the new housing market in Shanghai has been described as restless.The pace of pushing is really too fast. As expected, there should be 13 batches of new houses entering the market in Shanghai this year, with many properties, but based on market feedback and subscription conditions, they are relatively weak. From the perspective of supporting facilities, pricing, design philosophy, and livability, the overall impression is that "the quantity of supply has increased, but the quality has decreased.".But it seems that we cannot understand this impatience, after all, in the "high turnover" market, if the development speed cannot keep up, it is equivalent to the chronic suicide of real estate companies."Slow work leads to meticulous work" like "Yongtai Sanli City" is the sole confidence of state-owned enterprises.Real shot imageThe project currently offers 3-5 rooms with a building area of approximately 99-240 square meters. The units are spacious and designed flexibly, providing options for various groups who need them or need improvement.1. 99 ㎡ Three bedroom, Two living room, Two bathroom: North South transparent, with a strong sense of space!This is the most touching apartment design for me, it truly considers from the perspective of first-time users and does not waste any space. The room has three bays facing south, with excellent lighting and visibility. The master bedroom suite is designed with both privacy and comfort, with a occupancy rate of up to 80% and a sense of scale far exceeding that of new houses in the same price range!2. Building area of approximately 150 square meters, four bedrooms, two living rooms, and two bathrooms: separation of movement and stillness, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful life at home!This layout is similar to the 99 square meter layout, but it has a more spacious space compared to the 99 square meter layout.3. A villa with a construction area of approximately 220 square meters: four bays facing south, invincible view!The design of a villa with a floor area of approximately 220 square meters is also quite commendable.In the era of the dominant demand for new housing units with an area of about 100 square meters, greatly improved unit types are becoming increasingly rare. The functional matching of four bedrooms is becoming increasingly common in second and third generation cohabitation families. This unit has four bays facing south, which is a comprehensive upgrade on the basis of the small unit, providing a broader view and a more outstanding living experience!In the current era of declining living quality, buying one less house like this is a real estate opportunity that will never be missed again!Adjacent to the Black Horse Plate of the Golden Central Station500 meters from Sanlin Station on Line 11Price depression in the near front beach area"Yongtai Sanli City"We will launch 3-5 rooms with a building area of approximately 99-240 square metersExpected average price of 8w/㎡!Expected to open model rooms by the end of November and early December!Expected to enter the market within this year!Across the road, save a million! Near the top flow plate of Qiantan, reproducing the high-quality residential area!Shanghai Pudong Yongtai Sanli CitySales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Yongtai Sanli City Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including real estate details, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratios, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plans, transportation planning, filing prices, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest developments, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!